
Can You Get Disability for Diabetes in Arkansas?

Diabetes is a medical condition where your body is unable to produce enough insulin to control your blood sugar level. There are two forms of diabetes: type 1 and type 2. Type 1 diabetes occurs when your immune system attacks your pancreatic cells, making it impossible to produce insulin. Type 2 diabetes is related to obesity and an unhealthy diet. Either type is a serious condition that will require continued medication and limit the ability to engage in ordinary activities if not controlled. Many people in Arkansas ask if they are eligible for disability benefits if they have diabetes.

You can get disability benefits in Arkansas for either type of diabetes. If untreated or severe, diabetes could result in complications such as loss of eyesight or the amputation of an extremity. An individual who suffers from these conditions, or other debilitating consequences of their diabetes, could qualify for Social Security benefits. However, if your diabetes is controlled and managed, you might not be eligible for benefits unless you have another medical condition that limits your ability to work.

Our Fayetteville, AR Social Security Disability lawyers have helped people apply for benefits and appeal denials for decades. The Social Security Administration (SSA) does not make applying for disability benefits easy. Only around 35% of initial applications are approved. With experienced legal representation, your chances of approval increase. Call (479) 316-0438 to discuss how you could qualify for disability benefits with diabetes.

Medical Conditions Related to Diabetes That Qualify for Disability Benefits in Arkansas

To qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits or Supplemental Security Income (SSI), you have to have a medical condition that limits your ability to perform the tasks required for your job. If your diabetes is managed and controlled, it might not adversely impact your mental or physical capabilities. However, many related conditions and symptoms could make you eligible for benefits.

Nerve Damage

Nerve damage, or neuropathy, is a common cause of disability as it severely reduces an individual’s capacity to feel harm or damage to their limbs. It also adversely affects a person’s ability to walk or stand. If both of your extremities are affected, you could qualify for SSDI or SSI.

Eye Damage or Eyesight Loss

One consequence of diabetes is a reduction in visual acuity, peripheral eyesight loss, or blindness. If you are blind or both eyes are significantly affected, you could qualify for disability benefits.


People who have diabetes often must have an extremity amputated, usually a foot. If you lose two extremities, such as a hand and foot or both feet, your chances of receiving benefits increase.

Other Complications

If your diabetes is uncontrolled, it could lead to kidney failure or heart disease. If any of these conditions make it impossible to work, you could receive disability benefits.

Diabetes Complications and Limiting Your Ability to Work in Arkansas

If you do not meet one of the listing requirements of a condition in the SSA’s Blue Book, you could still qualify for benefits if your diabetes limits your physical or mental functioning, so it is impossible to work. The SSA will determine your residual functional capacity (RFC). An RFC is a measurement of your level of functioning despite your medical impairment. For example, your RFC might indicate that you are capable of sedentary work. To complete your RFC, the SSA will examine your medical history, weigh your doctor’s opinion, and review statements from you, your family, co-workers, and friends.

The SSA is looking for information regarding your ability to perform ordinary tasks such as standing, sitting, and walking. For example, if you are have suffered nerve damages as a result of your diabetic condition, you might not be able to stand for extended periods or operate a vehicle that requires foot controls. Our Rogers, AR disability lawyers will work closely with you and your treating doctors to ensure that the SSA receives the medical evidence and documentation required to render an informed decision. Many claims are denied because the medical documentation does not convincingly demonstrate that the claimant has a debilitating condition.

Applying for Disability Benefits for Diabetes in Arkansas

Applying for disability benefits is challenging and often frustrating. It is a good idea to retain our experienced Arkansas disability attorneys to assist you through the process.

The first thing you want to do is gather the medical evidence necessary to prove your impairment warrants disability benefits. Every applicant is unique, but some common documentation includes diagnostic test results, hospitalization history, emergency room records, and your doctor’s written medical source statement. If you lack sufficient medical documentation, your claim will likely be denied.

Next, you need to complete the application. If all the documents and forms are not completed fully and accurately, the SSA will not be able to render a decision. Our Springdale disability attorneys will help ensure that the common errors are not made.

Then it is time to be patient. The SSA could take many months before making a determination. During this time, it is a good idea to continue to gather medical evidence and documentation. If you need to appeal a denial, this additional evidence could be valuable.

Contact Our Arkansas Disability Lawyers if You Have Diabetes and Require Social Security Benefits

According to the CDC, approximately 34.2 million Americans have diabetes. While diabetes can be managed, many people suffer from debilitating complications. If your diabetes makes it impossible to earn a living, you could qualify for disability benefits. Your first step in receiving the payments you and your family need is contacting our Bentonville Social Security Disability lawyers. Call (479) 316-0438 to schedule a free appointment.